
We have a wide experience in the different services required by the promotional sector, which allows us to offer you the suitable treatment for the different types of campaign.


Our flexibility transforms us into the strategic supplier of the departments of Marketing, Trade Marketing, Events, Communication, with the most advanced techniques in the market and with the purpose of maximising and optimising the results of our clients. We act as a single interlocutor in all logistic services you can need.

We create suitable strategies for your business, and we are in charge of administrating and monitoring all logistic management through the capability of our installations  and the rest of our resources, in order to reinforce your participation in the market and increase the value of your brand.

Logistic Analysis
Our team addresses the client to perform a previous analysis and to jointly implement the logistic strategy in accordance with your needs, with an adapted and customised service.

Reception and control of entries
We receive goods on your behalf. Your inventory is catalogued on the system. While we locate goods physically, we process the files with the databases of the submittals to be performed.

For storing promotional material, we have magnificent facilities prepared with the latest technological advances in safety…Read more

Preparation of orders
We handle and mount each promotion depending on the requirements of the client. From promotional Kits to the filling of racks. Thus, your brand achieves an effective impact on the areas that interest your company.

For mounting and pre-mounting, we have support personnel on the Trade Marketing areas. We give support on the placement of material, both in the arming and/or mounting of PLV material, preparing your materials so that they reach Sales on the planned way…Read more

Distribution, transport and monitoring of deliveries
As if they were you, our personnel pursue each submittal. We are in charge of checking that it reaches its destination. We are proactive when solving the incidences that may arise each day, so that there is no need for you to be concerned or employ any time…Read more


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    Acepto recibir información comercial sobre las ofertas y promociones de nuestra empresa (PREPACKING SERVICIOS SL) vinculada con el sector LOGISTICA Y ALMACENAJE ESPECIALIZADO en base a nuestra política de protección de datos

    Responsable del tratamiento: Los datos tratados en el presente formulario, serán tratados por la empresa PREPACKING SERVICIOS SL con CIF B81152696 y domicilio en CALLE RIO JUCAR 3, POLIGONO INDUSTRIAL EL NOGAL, 28110, ALGETE, MADRID como Responsable del Tratamiento de los datos.
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    Derecho a presentar una reclamación ante la Autoridad de Control (AEPD): Desde PREPACKING SERVICIOS SL ponemos el máximo empeño para cumplir con la normativa de protección de datos dado que es el activo más valioso para nosotros. No obstante, le informamos que en caso de que usted entienda que sus derechos se han visto menoscabados, puede escribirnos a la siguiente cuenta de correo electrónico PREPACKING@PREPACKING.ES, o subsidiariamente presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD).
    Información adicional: Puede consultar la información adicional y detallada sobre protección de Datos en nuestra página web: WWW.PREPACKING.ES